Fifth Grade

Fifth Grade at Eaton Elementary is an exciting educational experience. To facilitate the transition from elementary to middle school, the children exchange classrooms and teachers for math and RTI (WIN) time.  This gives the students a variation in teachers and teaching techniques and it trains fifth graders in responsibility and organizational skills.



      We differentiate instruction for students during math by placing the students in leveled math groups.  The students are also grouped for RTI (WIN) time which allows us to have smaller groups, hands-on activities and an opportunity to review previously taught math concepts.  We use the enVision math curriculum.  Our math series provides families with the ability to access the classroom textbook online, review lessons at home that were taught in class and play games that go with the topics.  The following are skills and projects that have been developed to enhance the Eaton fifth grade program.

  • We do daily math review warm-ups (Math 4 Today & Mountain Math/Language) which covers material on probability, story problems, algebra, geometry, fractions, place value number sense, plus multiplication and division problems, etc.
  • Students use the computer lab weekly to practice math skills to ready themselves for the Acuity and ISTEP tests.
  • Parent letters are sent home with each student explaining the content that will be taught with each topic/chapter as it occurs.
  • We have built into our everyday schedule a time to specifically practice math facts for multiplication and division.


     Our fifth grade science program utilizes a combination of activities, projects and group discoveries combined with reading, lecture and discussion using a consumable text/workbook by Interactive Science. In order to meet both Indiana and Common Core standards, we strive for a balance that will assist each student to be successful in reaching the neccessary knowledge and skills. This includes but is not limited to:   

  • Science Fair projects
  • McMillan Center field trip
  • Star Lab
  • Camp


     Literature is a major component of the language arts program.  We also focus on the 6+1 Writing Traits to develop better writing skills of the students.  During our 90-minute reading block, we use the Daily 5/CAFE reading program.  The following are skills which are emphasized in the language arts program:   

  • Literature-based reading program which includes emphasis on grade level novels.
  • Emphasis is placed on comprehension and the ability to support written answers with details from the text.
  • Weekly word study lessons on a variety of skills.
  • Use of Family Times newspaper to keep parents informed of the upcoming week's lesson.
  • Daily 5 curriculum (read to self, listen to reading, work on words, read to someone and work on writing)
  • CAFE curriculum: mini lessons are provided routinely to help improve each student's reading ability. Lessons are based on different comprehension, accuracy, fluency and expanded vocabulary skills.
  • Weekly spelling lists which consist of 25 words.


     American history in fifth grade covers the time frame from prehistoric Indians to the present.  Topics covered throughout the year to prepare students for the Acuity/ISTEP tests for the first time are: Geography, Native Americans, Explorers, Colonies, the American Revolution, and Constitution.   

     A Pilgrim unit is completed prior to Thanksgiving so students have an opportunity to learn more about the Pilgrims.

     Students are also required to memorize and recite orally the Preamble to the Constitution.

     Students participate in a weekly Newscurrrent where they learn about current events and news.  Students learn how to take notes and a quiz follows the material taught.

     Regions of our country are studied throughout the year.  We learn the states and capitals at the beginning of the year along with being able to identify each state.

     In the spring, we participate in a pioneer, two day educational trip to Camp Tecumseh.  This is where students, parents, and teachers come together for the benefit of all involved.

EXTENDED LEARNING ACTIVITIES available to all fifth grade students:

  1. Fitness Club
  2. Camp Tecumseh
  3. Math Bowl
  4. Spell Bowl
  5. Student Council
  6. Science Fair
  7. Choir
  8. Accelerated Reader Program
  9. Talent Show